Justin Thomas Putting Drill

From ClubFaceUk on YouTube

Major champion Justin Thomas uses an incredible putting that helps both speed, distance control, and accuracy on the greens. Improve so much at the cost of a quarter or half a quid.

Welcome to a Justin Thomas putting drill. This speed drill is genius.

All we need is some change and a golf ball. Take a few coins and place one down six feet away from your ball. Now every six feet, place a coin down. The first coin represents the hole.

Step 1: Try and putt the ball that goes in line with the coin. Now try and putt the ball one foot past a coin just like this.

Once you can do that, take a spare coin and place it down where the ball is. This is our new marker but don’t putt the ball so it only reaches the coin. This is no good. Make sure you putt the ball one foot past the marker. This way we can keep placing the coin down further and further back until we reach 12 foot.

This speed drill is amazing. It works on controlling pace, understanding the speed of the green. When you reach the end, try and put the ball on the 12 foot marker. The original coins we placed down represents the hole.

Finally take a putt on the real hole, and watch how confident you are with speed.

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